Monday, January 21, 2013

Watch and learn girls!!!

Among the princesses we discussed in our writing class I think that 'Rapunzel'was the most positive role model for girls.

This is because Rapunzel is.. first of all, quite pretty and girls should be pretty. Also she is very independent comparing to other princesses like 'Snow White' or 'Cinderella'.I think this is a good quality for girls because if they are independent, girlfriends might not want presents from their boyfriends because they are 'self-determining'. 
My third reason is that 'Rapunzel' has her own magic ability. This is power to heal any wound by singing a song and putting her hair to the wound.Also, the hair has the power to stop someone from aging.This also a difference from other princesses because most of them depend on other people like their princes (especially 'Charming') but she changes her life by herself by convincing 'Eugene' to take her outside and she have her own important weapon widely known as the 'fry pan'. She makes her own choice and I think that is a good example for many girls.

For my conclusion, I think that 'Rapunzel' is the best on Disney and I think the difference between other Disney  princesses is very clear. and the differences are are all positive things such as pretty, independent , own power and weapons.  
now for the last thing I want to say is that "Watch and learn from 'Rapunzel' all the girls in the world!!!"
 Thank you. this was my last essay on the GLPS blog so I hope you enjoyed it and BYE BYE!

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