Monday, January 21, 2013

Watch and learn girls!!!

Among the princesses we discussed in our writing class I think that 'Rapunzel'was the most positive role model for girls.

This is because Rapunzel is.. first of all, quite pretty and girls should be pretty. Also she is very independent comparing to other princesses like 'Snow White' or 'Cinderella'.I think this is a good quality for girls because if they are independent, girlfriends might not want presents from their boyfriends because they are 'self-determining'. 
My third reason is that 'Rapunzel' has her own magic ability. This is power to heal any wound by singing a song and putting her hair to the wound.Also, the hair has the power to stop someone from aging.This also a difference from other princesses because most of them depend on other people like their princes (especially 'Charming') but she changes her life by herself by convincing 'Eugene' to take her outside and she have her own important weapon widely known as the 'fry pan'. She makes her own choice and I think that is a good example for many girls.

For my conclusion, I think that 'Rapunzel' is the best on Disney and I think the difference between other Disney  princesses is very clear. and the differences are are all positive things such as pretty, independent , own power and weapons.  
now for the last thing I want to say is that "Watch and learn from 'Rapunzel' all the girls in the world!!!"
 Thank you. this was my last essay on the GLPS blog so I hope you enjoyed it and BYE BYE!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Merida - brave Photo

Name: Merida( princess)

Age: 16 years old

Movie: 2012. 9. 27

Daily Activities: She does proper princess lessons with her mother and when she doesn't do the lessons she rides  Angus ( her horse) and shoots  arrows in the forest

Good Points: If she has her own opinion she does everything in her power that she can do to change or make her thinking come true. Also, despite her outgoing, forceful personality, Merida does have a softness of heart, particularly when it comes to her triplet brothers.

Bad Points: She is sometimes very thoughtless and clumsy. Also,    she doesn't to other people's thinking such as her moms opinions.

Others: Merida is also very skilled at sword fighting. Her bright red bomb hair shows her personality. ( very energetic )

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Princess Aurora

NAME: Aurora( sleeping beauty)
AGE: 16 years old (when her spell is brocken)
MOVIE (YEAR): 1959
DAILY ACTIVITIES: sleep.... until the prince wake her up.
GOOD POINTS: Aurora is often described as beautiful, kind, adventurous.Also, Aurora was given a magic wand from Merryweather to use, and Aurora was able to wield its magical powers such as making two stacks of papers pick themselves up.
BAD POINTS: She is very shy and she is sophisticated
OTHER:  The two faries who takes care of her calls her 'Briar Rose

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Brave

Hello, I'm back and today I'm going to write about a movie  called 'The Brave'.
 It is basicly about a princess (Merida) who wants to change her destiny.what part does she wants to change?she wants to cancel her marriage with one of the three clan's son. so,she asked a witch to change her mother.That was a mistake. The witch turned Merida's mother into a bear.The spell will be perminent if Merida doesn't solve the question.
 Well, ofcourse it turns out fine like most of the princess story. Merida solves the problems acts fast fight a deadly battle and she wins and her mother turns back into a person...
 Also, there is a realy interesting thing that I found the hair shows the personality of the characters. For example, Merida's curly bright red hair shows that she is very energetic.It's kind of interesting.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Response essay

 I watched a TED talk. A girl named Adora Svitak talked about many things. But, I liked the way she said that the word 'chidish' is nat a good word and that chidren are creative not chidish. Also, she said there should be a class that students teach the teachers not teachers teaching the students.

 I agree almost every word she said. the first reason is because she was very resonable. In addition, I liked thinking about students teaching the teachers. 
 But, there is a problem, too. The problem is that although she had good ideas and good reasons, it was very unrealistic. For example, the idea of  students teaching the teachers can't be a used in real society. But except that I think it was a pretty good talk.

Monday, January 7, 2013

My 30 days challenges

 I just started my 30 days challenge and it's already getting very hard. My challenge were these.
First,diary everyday second,wake up at 6: 50am third, of my homework
 Yesterday I almost couldn't do all of my homework because I had two importan thing to do and  I couldn't choose what to do first. It was very frustrating. But from now on I will not spend to much time on choosing what to do first or later. Also, I will set my alarm to wake up early inthe morning everyday.
 The 30 days challenges will inprove my will power and my patience.             

Sunday, January 6, 2013

self introduction

My name is Geon Heo and I'm going to be in sixth grade. I like to play soccer and listening to music. I like  fluorescent colors. I like to play FIFA online 3 and LoL. My favorite food is hamburger and pizza. I like to read 'hunger game'  in my free time and I like watching 'Naruto' . I like almost every thing in my life. But there is just one thing I hate and it is the place I'm living and my friend's mom. She is the most disgusting and the ruddest person I have ever met my long life. Anyway this was my introduction.